Monday, July 14, 2014

Beautiful Life

I'm home! I arrived on July 4. I was welcomed by a fantastic fireworks display along my flight from California to home, and I have spent the majority of my time sleeping, relaxing, and catching up a little bit with family and friends.  It's good to be home.
Home is where your heart is? Well, maybe I'm not completely home. But in Ebeye I was missing "home" quite a bit too! Well, I guess these are my homes:
Walla Walla University
my grandma's house
my sister's house
Guam - my parents' house
wherever family is.

So I'm here, back at Walla Walla University, and I am excited to face a new school year, this time as a student again. :) I'm doing well, and it's good to be home. I would like to thank you for reading this blog - scarce though the posts may be - and thank you all for your support, letters, packages, prayers, and love you have given me. :) I had a great year, and I really learned a lot.
I'm not sure what else to say, because I'm obviously not a very avid blogger, so I will just leave it at this. If you would like to hear more stories, see more pictures, or talk to me more feel free to email me and let me know. :) I love to stay in touch and share about it, but I'm probably not going to be blogging anymore. Thank you for everything, may God bless, and I hope the challenges you face will continue to help you grow. Constant growth and change as we pass through this world - preparing you and me for our real HOME with Jesus Christ. :) I cannot wait until then when I can be with ALL my family, friends, my Ebeye family/students, and my Savior at the same time! :D Come soon, Lord Jesus!
Anij Jeraman Kwe ~ God Bless You!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Giving My All?

Sally, the Interviewer: Hello, Q. We would like to interview you because you say that you are "giving your all". Is this statement true?

Q: Yes, Sally, I'm DEFINITELY giving my all!! I mean, look at me: I'm a student missionary, I'm on a tiny island...look, I even extended to stay for summer school!

Sally: *Ahem...yes, that's very nice of you. So you feel like you are really giving your all? For what?

Q: *no answer...
(thinking)...what does she mean, "for what?" for God, for the people of Ebeye, for me! Wait, for me?
Yes, that is part of the problem. We as missionaries so often become stuck on what WE are doing for THEM - wherever we are serving. Well, realistically, THEY have done a whole lot more for ME this year than I ever could've done for THEM. And am I really living my life daily for God, or am I just saying "well, I'm a missionary, so I must be doing what God wants me to do!" And then going about life in my own way, doing my own thing? Hmmm...
Sally: Well, you recently put up a blog post called "50 Days", and from what I could see the focus was pretty much on YOU and what you have gone through this year! How does that apply to this selfless idea of giving your all up to your God to be used however He sees fit?

Q: . . . . . . 

I have no answer...not even for my own conscience. But I'm thinking about this...